10 Things To Do While You’re Staying Home This Month

March 20, 2020


With most of us staying home during this time, it is no surprise that we are quickly getting antsy and looking around for things to do. We are so used to being able to walk out of the house and head to a bar or activity with friends and family that taking it out of our equation means we’re thrown and unsure of what to do. If you’re starting to feel like there are only so many hours you want to spend watching things from your Netflix or Disney+ queues, I got you. Here are ten different activities you can do while you are stuck at home this month solo or with your loved ones! Bonus: They’re all available FOR FREE!

  1. Watch the Paris Opera! That’s right! The Paris Opera is streaming their performances for free online for us to enjoy for the next month or so. You can see classics performed by some of the world’s greatest performers from the comfort of your couch. You can view the schedule here.
  2. Tour some of the world’s most renowned museums. Museums can’t allow us to be in close quarters together but are sharing their collections for us online in the meantime. You can find a list of 12 museums from around the globe that virtually opened their doors here.
  3. Watch the penguins on the Kansas City Zoo’s live stream! This has been surprisingly entertaining even for Drew and I! Don’t knock it ’til you try it! This is a fantastic way to entertain kiddos who are home from school.
  4. Sit down and set some goals or review the ones you’ve set for yourself recently. Need help getting started? Check out my post here for more.
  5. Take a long walk around your neighborhood. Getting active can do a great deal for your mental as well as your physical health. You can follow ‘social distancing’ guidelines while still getting some fresh air. If you have dogs, you have a ready-made excuse to be walking a few times a day and should absolutely be taking advantage of that time.
  6. Start learning a new language or brush up on one you learned back in the day but haven’t been using much. I love the French language and took classes in school, but without practice over many years I have been slipping further and further away from understanding it. I highly recommend the free app Drops to brush up on your skills or to start learning a new language. During this trying time with schools around the world shutting down, Drops has made a commitment to teachers and students by providing teachers the free account access they need to be able to virtually teach foreign languages! I was a fan before, but moves like that from a company endear them to me even more.
  7. Pick up some sign language! If you’re not quite ready to learn a whole new foreign language but want to try something new, consider learning a few signs in American Sign Language. The Kansas City area has a large deaf community and to be able to communicate with them using ASL is a huge relief for those who cannot hear. Youtube has a plethora of videos available to teach you basic signs from the ABC’s to greetings to everyday words and more. Start small and see where it takes you and who you can positively impact!
  8. Read a book: it’s good for your mental health! Take your mind off of all the crazy things flying around on social media by picking up the book you have had sitting on your bedside table for the last six months or download a book on your tablet (if that’s your thing). Your brain will thank you for the distraction and activity.
  9. Learn a new card game. This is especially good if you’re staying home with a roommate or family. There are a million different card games out there and great instructions are a Google search away. You might be surprised by the answer someone gives you by simply asking if they know any card games. My husband shocked me with the number of fun card games he had learned growing up that my family hadn’t played and vice versa. (Bull$%&t is my favorite card game but requires more than two people.)
  10. Knock out your spring cleaning! Some people really do a massive clean of their house every spring to usher in fresh vibes for the new season, so why not do it while we are all home? This is a great time to go through your wardrobe and pull everything out, try it on, and figure out what isn’t working for you any more. Check out my post on how to weed out your wardrobe here.

The biggest thing you can do is choose to see this time as yours to make great! See this time as a blessing in deep disguise and find ways to do good for yourself, your physical and mental health, and your family. Once you can see it in that way, the space around you opens up with possibilities!

You can follow and message me any time on Instagram where I share more of what I’m up to every day.


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